Tales from a Taxi
Stevee Chapman
Reporting from Havana
Perhaps the most touching story of my time in Cuba began on
the second night of our trip. After dinner, many of the other journalists and I
decided to get to know each other a little better through a night on the town. While
there are probably a few stories that could be told from the few hours of
dancing at a Cuban club, this story begins on the taxi drive back to the hotel.
Shortly after Tenzin, Matt and I climbed in the cab, I began
a conversation with the driver. From my experience, taxi drivers tend to be people
with interesting things to say, and as it would turn out, our driver

At this point, Azzali’s interest continued to grow, and I
could tell there was so much he wanted to share. He said he believed people
in the United States don’t
know much about the situation in Cuba in general.
Thinking about this statement, I could not help but agree
with him. Before this trip, what did I know about Cuba ? I knew general facts about Cuba ’s
involvement in the Cold War, the 53-year embargo between our countries, that it
has been dictated by the Castros since the early 1960s, and is known to
produce quality cigars and rum. But all of that is so impersonal. Cuba
is an island nation of more than 11 million people, most of whom had about as much of
a hand in the Cold War as I did.
Like many other Cubans throughout the trip, Azzali told me
that most Cubans really liked Americans. He believed that if Americans knew
that, and took the time to become a little more educated about Cuba , they
would be more welcoming and that in turn would equal better opportunities for
both parties.
“Cubans want their stories to be told,” he said to me.
By this point we were already back at our hotel, but Azzali
took the time to continue this discussion with me and Matt.
After talking a little more about this, Azzali expressed to
me his aspiration to learn to speak English. He said that many Cubans including
himself are able to learn a little English by watching television, but
unfortunately it was hard to get books to help them.
While Azzali was telling me this, I couldn’t help but
relate. How much easier would this conversation have been to have had spoke Spanish? If it weren’t for the two years of Spanish I took back in
high school, this conversation would have been even a bigger struggle. Unlike Azzali,
however, I was born into a life where I have so many tools for success at my
disposal. In fact, just before I left for Cuba , I bought a small
Spanish/English dictionary and phrasebook to bring with me for assistance. As I
thought of this I realized that same book was currently in my purse. I pulled
the book out and placed it in his hands telling him it was a gift I wanted him
to have. He seemed touched as he accepted it, thanking me and giving me a hug.
Placing his hand over his heart he asked me if I knew how to say heart in
“Si, corazon,” I answered.
“Gracias de el Corazon,” he said.
Thank you from the heart.
As it was late at night we said our goodbyes, and headed
back up to our rooms to sleep before the next day’s adventures. That could have
been the end of this story; I certainly didn’t expect anything more. The next
day was packed full of tours and activities all around Cuba . We went
out to dinner as a group, and by the time I came back to the hotel I was
exhausted and just wanted to get a full night's sleep. While some of my peers
stayed down in the lobby to hang out a little longer, I went up to bed.
The next morning, when we all met in the lobby as we did every
morning, Matt came over to me carrying a plastic grocery bag. He told me
that the taxi driver from last night had stopped by and left this with him to
give to me as a thank you for the book I gave to him. Inside were two books, “La
Historia de Cuba” and “El cristal entre la luz,” a book of Cuban poems.
I can hardly begin to express how touched I was by this
simple gesture. What could have been a silent taxi drive back to the hotel
turned into a memory I will always hold dear. Not only did I begin to truly get
a deeper look into the hearts and lives of the Cuban people, I got another life
lesson in the power of kindness. By giving this man a little of my time and
showing him a genuine interest, he gave me the same in return.
No matter how far your travels take you, kindness will always
take you a little further.
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